Why Social Media?

Mar 30, 2017

Does your business have a social media presence? If it doesn’t, it should. Facebook alone has almost 2 billion active users.  That is a huge potential audience.  If you’re not convinced, please read on.

Social Listening

It’s a great source of customer feeback, relevant customer data as well as information on your competitors. All of this information will help you make informed decisions about your business.

Increases Brand Awareness

Customers are now more likely to go to your social media pages before they go to your company website. By connecting to those customers via social media,, you build a stronger trust factor which leads to greater customer conversion and retention.

Your Customers can Find You

Well maintained social media strategy leads to increased website traffic and search rankings, which in turn helps your customers find you.

It’s Targeted

You can use it to improve your content and ad targeting. With social media, you can talk to those who already like your business, like what your business is about and target an area you can effectively service.

Builds Relationships

A well-run social media campaign builds relationships with your clients and is a great way to connect with other non-competitive compatible businesses, though leaders, taste makers, and journalists. If done right, it can develop your brand authority in the industry.

Improved Customer Experience

Even though you may not be on social media, your customers expect you to be there. You can respond to customer complaints or issues immediately, which builds trust.

Social media marketing is all about relationship building.  It does, however, take time — which is why you should start today.